How to prevent constipation and what causes it

What is constipation?

It is a gastrin-intestinal condition characterized by difficulty passing stools or infrequent bowel movements. It also involves having fewer bowel movements per week and can be accompanied by hard, dry stools and straining during bowel movements.

Symptoms of constipation.
-Infrequent bowel movements; having three bowel movements in a week.

  • Excessive straining during bowel movements.
  • Abdominal discomfort: feel pain, bloating, or cramping in the lower abdomen.
  • Feeling as if there is a blockage in the rectum preventing bowel movements.
  • Decreased desire to eat due to discomfort and bloating.

Common causes of constipation.

  • Lack of physical activity can also slow down bowel movements.
  • low fiber intake; inadequate water consumption; or consuming processed food.
  • Some medical conditions can also cause it, including pain relievers, antidepressants, and certain antacids, which can cause constipation.
  • It can be caused by hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy or menstruation.

How to prevent constipation.

  • You should increase your fiber intake and include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Legumes, such as beans, lentils, and peas, are excellent sources of fiber.
  • It is good to drink plenty of water throughout the day at different hours. Your target should be drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily. Some fluids, like herbal teas and clear soups, can supplement your fluid intake.
  • Reduce your intake of processed foods, dairy products, and meat, as they are low in fiber and contribute to constipation.
    -You should do a physical activity because it stimulates intestinal function. 
  • Respond to your body’s signals, such as a nature call, and go to the washroom.

If constipation persists, is severe, or is accompanied by symptoms like weight loss, severe pain, or blood in the stool, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and management.

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