Things You Should Understand About Love.

Love involves profound affection and true care for someone, often accompanied by feelings of warmth, tenderness, and fondness towards someone; hence, it creates an emotional, strong love bond between the two of you.
Due to that, things you should know about love are:

  1. Love is fragile when not handled with care.
    Love is like glass that can break into small particles when not handled carefully.
    Handled properly, it requires nurturing and attention to maintain its strength and vitality. You should know that love has its boundaries, and respecting these boundaries is vital for healthy love. 
  2. Love requires forgiveness.
    Love does not live in a room where there is no forgiveness.
    Love does not hold onto past grievances that bring low vibrations and weaken love bonds. Love wants you to solve your problems in a civilized manner and let the past go.
  3. Love requires consistent effort.
    Love needs effort, sacrifice, and resources to be invested in. 
    Love makes sacrifices to support each other’s goals, dreams, and well-being willingly, without being forced.
    Not even doing big things, but love is demonstrated through small, consistent acts of kindness and consideration.
  4. Love is about spending quality time together.
    Love is about the quality and quantity of time you spend with your lover.
    When spending time together, engage in constructive activities that both of you enjoy and which will create lasting memories as well as a deep love relationship between you.
    Spending quality time together helps to maintain and strengthen the love bond.
  5. Love requires constructive communication from both sides.
    Love should have communication, whether it is through short messages, WhatsApp video calls, Twitter, or email, but communication must keep on going.
    Regular and open communication prevents misunderstandings and resolves confusion between each other. When communication stops then the power of love diminishes.

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